I’m working on finalizing the yearbook over spring break and I just LOVE the cover!! It’s a K-5 school and all of the 5th graders did a self-portrait that I scanned and included on the cover. I think it looks amazing!
If you’re working on a yearbook, a mosaic cover like this is a great way to get all of the 5th (or whatever your oldest grade is) kiddos involved in the project. Talk nicely to your Art Teacher and he/she will likely help out – ours has been helping me out the past few years, and we’ve had some very cool covers! (=
The column of solid colored boxes down the center is where the cover fold will be. I didn’t want anyone’s portrait placed on the fold. (=
Note: Ignore the odd looking text, I blacked out the school name on the front/back so it looks a bit off kilter.