After 16 years in Marketing, I left my “for pay” job so that I could spend more time with the Family. It has been fabulous to have more time to volunteer in the kids’ schools, coach Lego League Robotics teams, and spend more quality & creative time with the kiddos. My goal was to spend less time being so overbooked and under-slept — you parents know what I’m talking about, right?!? (=
My other goal was to get the socks mated, but… that hasn’t happened yet… I can’t be the only one who has a ginormous basket of unmated socks that the family digs through each morning to find a pair to wear, can I?? My youngest considers it a “treasure hunt” and just pulls two random socks each day – so, I’m encouraging his creativity by leaving the socks unmated. Right?
Since the sock mating goal was never reached, the boys and I thought we’d set a new goal of getting back to the blog we started (and abandoned) a couple of years ago. We have TONS of fun stuff to share, and we’d love for you to follow us! Note: The boys are REALLY hoping people will comment on the posts, so please do! (=
Some Random Things:
- Shena rhymes with Jenna. I know it’s odd. But, after spending my younger years sadly having to explain how to pronounce my name to every teacher/person I met, I actually like that it’s different. I put “rhymes with Jenna” on every nametag I ever wear to help people remember. (=
- You may notice that I have a tendency to overuse explanation points and smiley faces – but, I can’t help it! This stuff makes me happy and excites me! (=
- If you ever notice a ton of typos/misspellings in a post, just blame the phone. (= The phone also likes to “auto correct” my name to Sheba, and I got tired of having a battle of wills with an inanimate object, so I decided to just leave it from now on. In fact, I’ve actually grown fond of the nickname and have even been known to answer to Sheba every now and then. (=