Blog Medium Thumnail

Penguin Origami 

Cabot’s setting up to shoot a video on how to make origami penguins. (=   
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Some samples of the Printing Art Adventure that Cabot(9) and I are developing for his class. (=

Art Adventure: Print Making

Here are some samples of the Printing Art Adventure that Cabot(9) and I are developing for his class. (=
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A Fun Twist on BB8 for a Valentines Box. (=

BB8 (make that CM9) Valentine Box

This is the first year (3rd grade) that Cabot was allowed to make a Valentine’s Box for school since preschool, and he was excited! Check out CM9 (he’s a descendant of BB8 -I just love how my little guy’s brain works!). He’s made from plastic bowls and...
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Fun Robot Valentine's Box. (=

Robot Valentine’s Box

The only time Cabot got to make a Valentine’s box for school was in preschool and he made a super-cool robot. It was a great use for a broken slinky! (= These pics are a but blurry, but they’re pretty cute. He was so excited about his creation. (= Sadly, he...
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