www.ShenaLeonard.com Messy Table, Creative House: I am building an Autographed Collection of my kids’ favorite books – they already think it’s pretty cool, but when they’re older I’m pretty sure they’ll REALLY get how awesome it is, not to mention how awesome their mom is for doing this for them. (= The best part is, it’s not nearly as hard as you might think it would be! (=

Keepsakes your kids will like now – and LOVE when they are older and can really appreciate how special they are!

What was your favorite book when you were a kid? Maybe, if you are like me, you have lots of favorites – and just thinking of them makes you smile doesn’t it?!? One fabulous thing that I do for my kids (I know, I’m modest aren’t I? he-he) is keeping a
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I was going through scans from some of the Family Cookbook art we've done, and I came across this painting we did to use with a Buttercream Frosting recipe. Since it also happens to be a friend's birthday today, I decided to turn it into a fun Happy Birthday image to post on Facebook. (=

Happy Birthday!

I was going through scans from some of the Family Cookbook art we’ve done, and I came across this painting I did to use with a Buttercream Frosting recipe. Since it also happens to be a friend’s birthday today, I decided to turn it into a fun Happy Birthday image to
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Digital Art: Dobby from Harry Potter

I’m trying to teach myself how to draw in Adobe Illustrator… Dobby isn’t done yet (he needs a stack of hats still, obviously) but he’s starting to look somewhat like Dobby. (=
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The little guy (age 7 here) saw an art piece hanging in the middle school and decided to come home and figure out how to make his own version. I love how creative this little guy is. (=

That Art Looks Cool – I’m going to figure out how to make something like it

I just ran across this picture from a couple of years ago and had to share it. Cabot (age 7 here) saw an art piece hanging in the middle school office and decided to come home and figure out how to make his own version. I love how creative this little guy is. (=  
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Why clean the painting cupboard when you can just close the doors? (=

Why clean the painting cupboard when you can just close the doors? (=

I debated cleaning/organizing the painting cupboard today. Then I thought, Nah… I’ll just close the doors again. (=  
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A mess? Or a

A mess? Or a “Where’s Waldo” photo shoot set-up?

As I look back on this old picture I realize that Cabot wasn’t really making a mess in the living room while he played — he was actually setting the scene so I could do a “Where’s Waldo” inspired photoshoot. Quite impressive for one so young,
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A Super-EASY way to make your packages look fancy! So easy, even a kiddo can do it. (=

A Super-EASY Way to Make Your Packages Look Fancy

We like to make packages look fancy in our house – but, like a lot of people, we don’t really have tons of time to spend on the process. Luckily, my aunt taught me a super-easy way to decorate packages years ago! It’s so easy that even kids can do it! (They just
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Silver Wrapping Paper 

Silver wrapping paper looks very cool under the Christmas lights. (=
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