Our Two Cents

www.ShenaLeonard.com Messy Table, Creative House: I am building an Autographed Collection of my kids’ favorite books – they already think it’s pretty cool, but when they’re older I’m pretty sure they’ll REALLY get how awesome it is, not to mention how awesome their mom is for doing this for them. (= The best part is, it’s not nearly as hard as you might think it would be! (=

Keepsakes your kids will like now – and LOVE when they are older and can really appreciate how special they are!

What was your favorite book when you were a kid? Maybe, if you are like me, you have lots of favorites – and just thinking of them makes you smile doesn’t it?!? One fabulous thing that I do for my kids (I know, I’m modest aren’t I? he-he) is keeping a
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Family Game Night - Games the Whole Family will like to play! (=

Our Favorite Games for Family Game Nights

We LOVE Family Game Nights at our house.  In fact, we enjoy them so much that the boys decided to share their favorite games so others can try them too. (= Here is their/my list of favorites (in no particular order):   Four Way Chess (All ages, for anyone who can play
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www.ShenaLeonard.com Messy Table, Creative House: We love to do Family Game Nights at our house – and we’ve played a LOT of different games over the years. With all of the games we’ve played, though, Snake Oil is one of our FAMILY FAVORITES!! In fact, we love it so much that we bought both editions of the game so we’d have more cards to play with, and as soon as the third set is out we’ll be getting them too! (=

Family Game Night: Snake Oil Review

We love to do Family Game Nights at our house – and we’ve played a LOT of different games over the years. With all of the games we’ve played, though, Snake Oil is one of our FAMILY FAVORITES!! In fact, we love it so much that we bought both editions of the game so we’d have more
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