Cabot(9) has been into drawing cute little chibi characters lately.
Here’s the Urban Dictionary’s definition of Chibi (just in case you are “un-cool” like me, and didn’t know what it meant). (=
It is an adjective that means small and/or miniature in a good or cute way. Normally used to describe (young) people or animals, and is endearing. This word, along with kawaii and several other Japanese words, have been taken by America’s “Wapanese” who have gone overboard in accentuating their English speech with Japanese words. “Chibi” was probably first introduced to the West through anime, and probably from the name of Sailor Chibimoon, in Sailor Moon.
Cabot said this little Mickey is so Kawaii. Here’s the definition for that one too. (=
An adjective in Japanese meaning ” pretty; cute; lovely; charming; dear; darling; pet” It’s stem is two kanji meaning “can love”. It is commonly used by anime and manga fans.
I hope you enjoyed Cabot’s adorable little drawing, and learned a couple new words. (=