Cabot has always been a HUGE stuffed animal fan. So for his 7th Birthday Party Favors we did a Teeny Tiny Animal Adoption Agency. After the party each kid got to pick a Teeny Tiny Animal to bring home with them.
The little kids (all aged 6 and 7) LOVED it! Kudos to Cabot for the great idea! (=
I created little Adoption Certificates that the kids could fill in with their name, and the name that they gave to their tiny pet. After I printed them I mounted them on colored cardstock and put them in ziploc bags. As each kiddo picked a pet we popped it into a ziploc with an Adoption Certificate and they were good to go.
Note: I ordered the Tiny Animals from Oriental Trading — they are by far the cheapest place to get little animals. The animals WERE tiny, and they were a bit messy with extra fuzzies and strings stuck all over. I used a lint roller to clean them up and all but 1 or 2 ended up looking pretty good.