I found some pics of an Obstacle Course that the boys made one Rainy Day a few years ago. They took a roll of Painter’s Tape (which is easy to remove from most surfaces) and made arrows all throughout the house – including up and over beds, and through various obstacles. (=
It was a perfect Rainy Day Activity!! First, they got to spend a bunch of time creating it, and then they burned off TONS of energy running it over and over and over again — all while I sat at the table sipping a cup of tea and timing them. It was a win for everyone! (=
Note: I can not take credit for this fabulously fun idea. Riley came up with it all on his own when he was little. He just started creating it and I didn’t even know what was going on until he was partway through taping the arrows on the stairs. Sometimes kids have the best ideas! (=